
wide legged forward fold - Prasada

Written by Alice Dommert | Jan 9, 2017 5:00:00 AM

This week, in the darkness of winter, let’s keep it simple. Sometimes we all need a break. No more thinking, worrying, anxiety about what’s ahead…in your life, in this country, in the world.

Coming back to the body, tapping into what we can do, here, now. As Adriene likes to say “finding what feels good” is a great way to help ground down into your body… and your life. So let’s explore wide-legged forward fold to reinvigorate your positive energy.

The first part of this posture is finding wide legs?  But how wide to go? This is where you can play try one stance, then see how it feels. Be brave. Adjust. Experiment. Get curious.

The thing about being curious is that you take on that sense of wonder of a child. A child that has not yet learned to criticize.

Can you be curious with your body and be right where you are…filled with gratitude about what IS working?

Adriene will take you through all the options below.

This is a posture that is worth repeating in your daily practice. It has much to reveal. With practice, you begin to notice the strength and power or your legs. Your feet become more and more connected and grounded to the earth.

Your back and spine experience a beautiful rinse of energy by having the head below the hips as you fold. Your front body, abs and lower back become more and more supportive.

Try it each day for a few minutes in the morning to get your mind clear and calm for the day ahead and again before you hop into bed to rinse the tension  of your day for a more peaceful sleep. Enjoy!

Be well, it’s a state of mind.