inside or outside this winter?

As I watch the squirrels scurrying around collecting and burying acorns I too am storing away a few things. Mostly my spare dollars and change and the occasional $20 bill that I find in my pockets.

Why? I’m getting a new coat and new boots for the winter.

Why? Well, they are predicting it’s going to be another bad winter. Cold weather has always been a real irritation for me. I’m from Louisiana. Being cooped up last winter was REALLY hard for most of us.

Since last winter, many things have shifted for me and I’ve realized I need to be outside, even when it’s really cold. I need to connect with nature and get grounded with the calming rhythms of the earth. We spend so much time inside, sitting. It dulls my senses and leaves me feeling depleted and sad. Depleted and sad is no way to go through life.

The Great Beech at Andora Natural Area in Fairmount Park.

Going outside is all we have to do to benefit from the wonderful therapy of nature. I know its not flashy or expensive, or hard to find, so we overlook its power.

There is so much research about how and why nature helps, and heals us. Yet the true reason I go out and look at the beautiful colors and textures of the trees, feel the cool air on my skin, breathe in the crisp smells and sounds of nature, is that it feels good. It softens my heart, anchors me to this moment, and helps me find peace.

Be well,

Alice Dommert

deliver me wellness

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