I just had a conversation with a friend about what she believes will happen in her life. She shared a fear about not finding what she wants for herself and her family. She was finding it hard to believe in a future of happiness and calm.
Why can’t we believe in a happy ending? I know I often feel like I’m setting myself up for a fall. What if it doesn’t happen? I’ll be disappointed and upset. But what if I just kept believing? To the very end… to keep seeing a wonderful future no matter what happens?
The other related conversation was with my son. He was saying relationships are tricky and unpredictable and scary. (He is 15. Remember what that was like?) I completely agreed with him. Relationships are scary when they don’t go like we expect. Life is unpredictable like that too.
The key is that when we believe in a positive future for ourselves, it really is about believing in ourselves. Believing that we have the integrity, strength, courage and resilience to handle whatever comes along. That we have people supporting us and that we will fail and we will get up again stronger and wiser and more confident to take bigger and bolder steps to be in the world and offer ourselves fearlessly.
It all comes down to believing in yourself. Now I’m not talking about me believing I am going to become an Olympic gymnast or anything like that. But I do whole believe that my life will be filled with an abundance of light, love and joy. It has been a long journey to passionately believe that about my life. And there have been bumps…boy, have there been bumps!
Where are you on that journey of believing your life is magical, miraculous, filled with wonder, curiosity, endless energy, light and love?
Do you believe?
What places, and people, and yoga poses help you to keep connecting with your mind and body…and your dream?
It’s a whole new year…and you’re in the driver’s seat.
Be well…it’s a state of mind.
Alice Dommert
deliver me wellness