Unexpected Beauty from COVID-19
We’re never really prepared for life and here we are, at a place none of us could have expected. No one is immune to the disappointments, the disruption and the distractions as we try and figure this out. As many are saying, there is no guide book for this experience.
The days feel like weeks as things are shifting so quickly. Even the words I wrote yesterday, don’t seem to fit today. This time has nuances of a snow day, spring break, the holidays, being sick at home and 911, yet nothing like any of those. Each of those experiences seems to be bundled into what’s happening now plus some new elements and then multiplied by a really big number.
On Tuesday, I prepared a GratitudeFIX video for our client, the Overbrook School for the Blind (thank you so much for continuing your program today!) about being with it all. While we know we’ll make it through, we can’t deny the roller coaster of feelings and emotions right now. The struggle is real and yet so is the emerging beauty.
This week has felt like a roller coaster, and a wild ride, and yet on Friday, I was genuinely excited to take a shower, get dressed up and have a little drink, in my own apartment, as I logged on for a virtual happy hour and then a friend’s birthday party. The difference a week makes.
What we do know is that we do not know how this will all play out. Some of our past experiences have shown us that we have no idea the ripples of this time, the future hardships or the unanticipated beauty. There will be both.
We already have and will lose things we love. Some things will be forever gone, like my daughter’s freshman spring semester on campus at Penn State. That loss and ones that are bigger and smaller bring waves of disappointment and sadness. Other things like a friend’s wedding will be postponed to a later date.
We will have new eyes for many things in our lives as we step forward each day.
We are just discovering the silver linings, let us keep looking for them with our new eyes.
Check out our events pages for our Wholebing SOS offerings and the additional the offering of our entire Prasada team across the country. Thank you for your support. We’ll continue to update as we go along.
Sending you big hugs, you’ve made it this far and we’re all in this together. This will be our finest hour.
ps. They now have said the dolphins in the canals were fake news. Oh, well.
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