
An invitation to Costa Rica - Prasada

Written by Alice Dommert | Sep 30, 2017 4:00:00 AM

Hello Friends,

I hope you are well and life is feeling good for this chapter of your life. So often the chapters of life seem to blur together with a busy schedule at work and at home. Yet, on occasion, there is an unexpected chapter that shifts the story, and life, in unimaginable ways. (I recently finished an article about My 5 Unexpected Business Benefits from My Trip to Blue Osa, Costa Rica. )

For me a trip to Costa Rica in 2015 was that unexpected chapter. I went with a dear friend from college, met new people at an intimate and beautiful place, had time to relax and recharge, practice yoga and reconnect with the vibrancy of life. As I boarded the plane to come back home, I had this feeling that I needed to make a trip like that possible for you. Yes, you.

For a while I ignored that feeling, but it would not go away. My experiences on that first trip, and on the subsequent trips I have taken there since then, have shifted my life and work. I continue to discover the presence of Costa Rica growing in even the tiniest pockets of my life.

I want to share the beauty of a country where people are kind-hearted and open, where food is simple, fresh and deeply nourishing. It is a land where nature reveals wonders beyond your imagination and infuses vibrant energy into life. But most of all I want to share Pura Vida, a spirit of pure and simple living that rises from deep wells of gratitude and joy. This spirit of living has awakened the very best in me. I want to share that with you and the special people in your life.

With the help of Meg Townsend, one of Prasada’s brilliant yoga teachers and seasoned journey planner and world traveler, we’ve made the plans for this Wholebeing Journey that will take place at Blue Osa on May 19-26, 2018.

The Osa Peninsula, one of the earth’s richest natural environments, is the location of Blue Osa. It is a yoga retreat center designed and built with the eyes and hearts of wise artists at nature’s brilliant ocean edge. Buildings and gardens are woven seamlessly together.

It is a place where I feel the morning call of the macaw, hear the sweetness of fresh coconut and taste how life can be innocent and simple. At Blue Osa it is as if I am being held and rocked by Mother Earth and lovingly tucked into her most beautiful cradle. It is there that I can hear and receive the soft whispers of my own deepest wisdom.

I write to you with an invitation. I can see you in my mind. I know you are busy with work and with life. You are juggling many balls and contributing to the world in ways no one else can. We need you, and all of your gifts and talents, kindness and compassion, patience and joy. I know your time and resources are precious yet there must be time and care for you so you can keep making a difference. We need you.

I see you there at Blue Osa, laughing and relaxed, radiant and joyful, connecting with your partner, friend, mother or the college roommate you’ve been promising to get together with for the past few years. There will be time for sunlight, time to pause and breathe, time to just be in all the abundant beauty. My hope is that this is your unexpected next chapter.

Maybe you’re curious and want to explore yoga in more depth or learn mindfulness. Or you are craving some adventure like horseback riding, deep sea fishing, or going on a zip line through a lush rainforest. Perhaps you just want time alone to walk on the beach or lay in the hammock or some time with your partner or a dear friend. Maybe you need nourishing food, massage and time in the beautiful pool. We’ll provide a pallet of possibilities to explore mind, body and place, and the simplicity of how they connect to nurture your wholebeing. You’ll decide what best serves and nurtures you.

On my most recent trip as I stepped on the plane to come back home again I thought of you. I smiled this time feeling excited about what’s ahead. I hope you and your partner, sister, or friend will be with us in May for this journey. I promise it will be an unforgettable chapter.

Best wishes dear one,
Alice Dommert

ps. This was taken on my first trip in 2015 while at Blue Osa. This photo seems to capture all my joy about this amazing place. I did not bring the kitty home but I did see him again this past summer.

pps.Here are more trip details.