
Spring Cleaning in My Meditation Chair - Prasada

Written by Alice Dommert | Mar 25, 2014 4:00:00 AM

Last week, most of us could hardly wait to embrace the Spring Equinox and officially (anyway) bid adieu to winter. After what has felt like an endless winter season, we are understandably eager for all things warm, green and full of promise.

A common ritual that accompanies this time of year is an annual  “Spring Cleaning” of our homes, our yards, our closets, and maybe even our bodies. We throw open the windows to invite in fresh air. We sweep out the corners, basements and bins of our homes. We take inventory of the clothes in our closets, discarding some and keeping others.  We may even commit to a detox or cleansing program to re-energize our bodies. Our impulse is to clear out, clean out and recharge.

The other day, I was suddenly struck by how much my own meditation practice is like a daily mini-spring cleaning. As I sit in stillness, I invite in fresh air in big, deep breaths. I strive to sweep out the clutter and chaos in my mind. I take inventory of my feelings and thoughts, discarding some, contemplating others. When I’m done, I feel recharged in the way that only a good cleansing can give. No brooms, no buckets needed. Just me, my chair and my breath. Welcome, Spring.

Be Well…it’s a state of mind.
Melissa Pelham, Yoga Instructor