The Power of the Pause Button

Can you believe that it’s already August? The sweet days of summer are moving right along and I want to know if you’ve taken advantage of the tradition of “summer break” which I’d like to rename “summer pause” so we can reclaim and reinvent the school-days tradition. Have you had your healthy dose of pausing this summer?

These summer months have been both deeply difficult and deeply renewing for me. In the wake of a sudden death in my family, I was feeling pretty depressed and apathetic towards everything. My significant other and I had a big Pacific Northwest trip planned only weeks after our family crisis. I’ll have to admit that in the aftermath of my family crisis, I was having major feelings of guilt around going on vacation.

We had already paid for most of it so we had to go, and I’m so glad we did! Our trip proved to be exactly the pause that I needed to begin to heal and I write this now through a newly polished and inspired-by-life lens. It wasn’t necessarily the change of scenery that was the magical prescription, although the gorgeous mountains and sea always do wonders for my soul.

What really helped me was taking the time to pause. Those 10 days were very simple yet so full. We hiked every day, cooked healthy food, read books, and one day we spent hours in a field of lavender (one of my life-long dreams!) Through simplicity and rest, I was able to find that sense of balance and rejuvenation I needed.

Sometimes, even at times we least expect it, it’s absolutely necessary to hit the pause button. This month, the team of deliver me wellness will be presenting some great ideas about how you can take advantage of taking a moment to pause. Many don’t even require you to get in the car! We each have our own perfect pause prescription. Let us know what yours is!

Be Well,
Meg Townsend, ERYT500

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