Sweet whispers and open doors
I’m a good starter. I get excited about a new subject or hobby, and I am all in. I get the books,...
Prasada Announces New Partner, Jarrod Matteson, to Accelerate Growth and Expand Team and Leadership Training
I’m a good starter. I get excited about a new subject or hobby, and I am all in. I get the books,...
Almost 6 months ago I got serious about learning to dance. Not just dance. To learn a partner...
In the last few months, I have become a brand new beginner in two different things. Both are...
If you were to dip a bucket deep inside the well of yourself what would you find? An overflowing...
Here on the East Coast, we are well into winter. Each time this season rolls around I absolutely...
As the weather gets cooler and the daylight holds us for less and less time each day, I feel the...
You may have seen the headline “sitting is the new smoking” or the one that claims “your chair is...
I think it was about 4th grade when I met Old Dan and Little Ann. Little did I know these two coon...
So this is part two in my exploration of sleep. Last week I invited you to join me as a sleep...
These next two weeks we’re going to go with the energy of the fall season and focus on that desire...
Did you know that you currently are doing the most powerful thing to help your mind find more...
Last week, I took a big step onto a wobbly bridge. It would seem like the wobbly part is a...
In one of our Brain@Work Wholebeing Workshops last week the participants were asked to write down...
“Wow…Would you be interested in being on the School Board?” Not a typical question for an art...
Today I am not feeling well. My daughter came down with a cold last week and she kindly shared it...
As school started last week, my daughter entered her senior year. She was looking forward to being...