
How will you capture the new energy of spring? - Prasada

Written by Alice Dommert | Mar 6, 2023 5:00:00 AM

Wow, and here we are in March already! I can’t remember the exact quote for lambs and lions, but I am seeing the subtle signs of spring.

I recently led a retreat in the Boulder area and became fully aware that spring is many months away for them.

It’s one of the magnificent features of the Philadelphia area…having 4 full seasons.

As we enter into March we dive into our MOVE theme. The warmer temperatures and seeing the beauty of the crocus and snowdrops as they press up through the still-hard soil reminds me that the energy of Spring IS coming.

We are part of the complex system of nature’s cycles and rhythms and when I remember to flow with it I have more patience with myself. March may still have some cold days for many, but renewal is in the air.

How will you capture this new energy, and what might you want to MOVE in your life?

It may be your body with more physical movement, it may be moving out the clutter in your home, or perhaps moving out old ideas or beliefs.

Take a moment to think about what kind of movement you might desire for March.

This month we also kick off our JOURNEY series. These are in-person events where we can come together in real life to feel the power of community and each other.

I’m especially excited about the one this month because it includes some breathwork in combination with some of what I call Meg’s Magic Movement.

She led some of these sessions during our breathwork journey in December in Costa Rica, and even the shyest of us found great joy in moving our bodies in liberating new ways.

I so hope to see you there.