
got a carrot? - Prasada

Written by Alice Dommert | Jan 13, 2015 5:00:00 AM

We’re in that tough stretch of winter when the energy of the holidays has died down. What’s next? Did you take time off during the holidays? Was it a vacation? I mean a real vacation…restorative, relaxing, where you came home inspired and ready to reengage with new vigor?

When was the last REAL vacation you had? Do you set up vacations each year? In today’s world most of us are hard working people just like our ancestors. When we work extended hours, the daily stress can become overwhelming. Fatigue and sickness sets in. Your thinking process slows and even stops.

When you rest and take time off you recover. Your body can heal and the immune system strengthens. Your brain can focus and the communication between the synapses is clear. This reduces stress, allows you to think clearly, to solve problems more easily and fight off disease so you can thrive within your life.

I’ve personally experienced this in my life. I was working long hour days and hadn’t taken a vacation in years. I thought I was accomplishing a lot. What I accomplished was stress. I was constantly tired, unable to keep a regular sleep schedule, and finally my body had enough. I became so sick I was out of work for 2 weeks with a serious cold.

What I learned was that I needed a vacation. Time off. When I did this I started to thrive within my life.

This year I have tried something new. I set up a plan starting in the new year to take more time off during each month. To set some carrots ahead for me to look forward to. Each day I think about that and it brings me happiness. I’m thinking and talking about the new year with great enthusiasm. It is making these cold days seem just a little shorter and making sunny warm days that much closer.

What vacation or trip do you have planned for the new year? I hope you enjoy every minute of it.

Be well…it’s a state of mind.

Christopher Coan
deliver me wellness