
Time away - Prasada

Written by Alice Dommert | Jul 17, 2017 4:00:00 AM

It’s that time of year. Vacations for many but for others there are just no resources tagged for travel. But that doesn’t mean there can’t be some time away. I so often have been in that all or nothing mindset and have found myself in that place of lack. This is when I rally my creative energy and try and flip the question. What am I really craving? Is it an adventure, meeting new people, quiet, rest, recovery, being alone, sleep or connecting with friends and family.

Often vacations do not match what we really need. Often the repeated plans of the summer check the box of vacation but again do not match what we really need. I look back on my family vacations as a kid and see that my parents were showing us the world, taking my grandmother to places she never imagined and attending my father’s professional conference and we camped along the way to make the resources work.

There were moments of those trips we each individually loved I’m sure and other parts where the sparks flew. Literally. I remember my sister and I blowing the fuse when we insisted we needed to blow dry and use hot curlers at the KOA campground before we got into our van to drive all day long. What if we saw those cute boys we’d met at the last KOA along the way? The other lovely gray-haired ladies who just wanted to brush their teeth in the public bathrooms were not so happy when we blew the fuse, several times, that morning. Good times.

My point is that perhaps there can be a few days or even one day or an afternoon that you declare your very own, customized, time away. You don’t have to go far away. Or do anything expensive, just let the child inside of you decide what would be glorious play. For just one day.
